Saturday, September 3, 2011

Macrealty Market Update - September 2011


With the problems in the US and Europe and the resulting economic turmoil, it is hard not to think of how these factors influence our housing market. And while it's true that consumer confidence plays a big role in the overall health of housing, it's important to remember that Canada continues to look like an economic oasis in a desert of bad financial news.

As you know, the US housing market has been in a severe recession for the past several years. And while there's been talk of a possible correction in the Canadian housing market, it is unlikely we will experience anything near as painful as our neighbours to the south.

There are 3 main reasons for this.

(1) Government Tax Policies
(2) Loan Qualification Policies
(3) Bank Lending Policies Macrealty Summer 2011 Vancouver real estate market update

Government Tax Policies

The US Government has long had a policy of encouraging home-ownership. Government-sponsored entities Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac have been getting most of the headlines recently for agreeing to purchase mortgage loans that encouraged unsound lending. However, the US Government's tax policy of allowing homeowners to deduct mortgage interest payments may be more significant, as it has encouraged Americans to maximize their debt-loads in order to minimize their tax burdens.

Canada, of course, has no mortgage tax break for homeowners, with interest payment deductions only applying to investment properties.

Loan Qualification Policies

The secondary mortgage market in the US allowed the originators of mortgages to pass on the mortgage notes to investors throughout the world. Because of this, lenders and mortgage brokers were incentivized to originate as many mortgages as possible, with little-to-no regard for risk. These perverse incentives led to 'liar loans' - where individuals would simply lie to their mortgage broker about their income or employment knowing that there would be no incentive to conduct a background check - and 'NINJA loans' - where mortgage brokers offered mortgages to individuals with No Income, No Job or Assets.

In Canada, the originators of loans (typically the Big Banks) tend to hold on to them. Because of this, the correct incentives are in place to ensure that only individuals who can afford the mortgage receive them.

Bank Lending Policies

Another unintended consequence of the secondary mortgage market in the US has been the creation of extensive Adjustable-Rate Mortgage products with attractive 'teaser' rates. These products allowed mortgage-holders to pay an unrealistically low rate for a period of time before 'resetting' to a much higher, unaffordable, rate.

In addition to this, loans in the US tend to be 'non-recourse' meaning that the only collateral that a lender would have on a mortgage is the house itself. In Canada, mortgages tend to be 'full-recourse', with many banks demanding personal guarantees. This difference has resulted in people walking away from their homes in the US at a much higher rate than in Canada.

In the end, the result of all of these policy differences means that Canada is fairly well-insulated from the carnage that is occurring south of the border. Interestingly, our conservative, low-competition banking environment may have saved our housing market from a painful downturn.


Cat: Vancouver Real Estate

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